António de Castro Caeiro
13/09: Causes.
MF, A, i-ii, ix.
15/09: Philosophical Investigations.
MF, α.
20/09: Several forms of generation.
MF, Z, vii-ix.
22/09: Continuation.
MF, Z, viii-ix.
27/09: Movement.
MF, K, ix-xii.
29/09: First Mover.
MF, Λ, vi.
04/10: The nature of change
F, III, i-iii.
06/10: Space.
F, IV, i-iv.
11/10: Space, II.
13/10: Time
F, IV, x-xiv.
18/10: Time, II.
20/10: Movements and changes.
Física V, i-ii.
25/10: Absence of movement.
F. V, iii.
27/10: Unitiy and diversity of movements
F. V, iv.
01/11: Divisibility of movement.
F. VI, iv.
03/11: Transformation.
F. VI, v-vi.
08/11: Finitude vs. Infinitude of change.
F. VI, vii-x.
10/11: The agent of change
F. VII, i-ii; VIII, iv.
15/11: Alteration.
F. VII, iii-v.
17/11: Perennial movement.
F. V. VIII, i-ii.
22/11: heterogeneity of movements.
F. V. VIII, i-ii.
24/11: First Mover.
F. VIII, v-vi.
29/11: Change.
Nicomachean Ethics, X, iv.
01/12: Change.
De anima III, ix-xiii.
06/12: Motivation.
De anima III, x.
08/12: Perfect and imperfect changes.
De anima III, xi-xiii.
13/12: Opens session.
15/12: Examinations.
Bibliographical note: For each session there are obligatory readings.
De anima,W.D. Ross, Aristotle. De anima. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961 (repr. 1967): 402a1-435b25.
Ethica Nicomachea,I. Bywater, Aristotelis ethica Nicomachea. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894 (repr. 1962): 1-224 (1094a1-1181b23).
Physica, W.D. Ross, Aristotelis physica. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1950 (repr. 1966 (1st edn. corr.)): 184a10-267b26.
Metaphysica, W.D. Ross, Aristotle's metaphysics, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924 (repr. 1970 [of 1953 corr. edn.]): 1:980a21-1028a6; 2:1028a10-1093b29.
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