quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2013
sábado, 13 de abril de 2013
segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013
Tácito: causalidade e motivação
Causalité et motivation
quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013
sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013
domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2013
domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013
L. Huppes-Cluysenaer, Unviersity of Amsterdam, Netherlands; N. M. Coelho, University of São Paulo, Brazil (Eds) Aristotle and The Philosophy of Law: Theory, Practice and Justice Contents
L. Huppes-Cluysenaer, Unviersity of Amsterdam,
Netherlands; N. M. Coelho, University of São Paulo,
Brazil (Eds)
Aristotle and The Philosophy
of Law: Theory, Practice and
1. Virtue Jurisprudence: Towards an Aretaic
Theory of Law; Lawrence B. Solum.- 2. Reasoning
against a deterministic/mechanistic conception
of the world; Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer.- 3.
Law and the rule of law and its place relative to
politeia in Ariostotle’s Politics; Clifford Angell
Bates.- 4.The Best Form of Government and Civic
Friendship in Aristotle’s Political Thought; Ki-
Won Hong.- 5. Controversy and practical reason
in Aristotle; Nuno M.M.S. Coelho.- 6. Aristotelian
ethics and Aristotelian rhetoric; Marcel Becker.-
7. Is There Any Theory of Value in Aristotle’s
Ethics?; António de Castro Caeiro.- 8. Intellectual
Excellences of the Judge; Tommi Ralli.- 9. Justice
kata nomos and justice as epieikeia (legality and
equity); Samuli Hurri.- 10. Legality and Equity
in the Rhetoric: The Smooth Transition; Miklós
Könczöl.- 11. Legal rules and Epieikeia in Aristotle:
Post-Positivism rediscovered; Jesús Vega.- 12.
Legal Vices and Civic Virtues; Ekow N. Yankah.-
13. A neo-Aristotelian notion of reciprocity: about
civic friendship and (the troublesome character
of) right judicial decisions; Iris van Domselaar.-
14. Synallagma as a paradigm of exchange:
reciprocity of contract in Aristotle and Game
Theory; Mariusz Jerzy Golecki.- 15. The General
Principle of Proportionality and Aristotle; Eric
Engle.- About the Authors.
Fields of interest
Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History;
Philosophy of Law; Classical Studies
Mensagens (Atom)
3ª sessão. Handout. 19 de Feveiro, 2019 Sen. Ep. 58. 6. Quomodo dicetur ο ὐ σία res necessaria , natura continens fundamentum o...
AMO: primeira pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo, na voz activa de amo, amas, amare, amaui, amatum. Pessoa Número Tempo Modo...
3ª sessão. Handout. 19 de Feveiro, 2019 Sen. Ep. 58. 6. Quomodo dicetur ο ὐ σία res necessaria , natura continens fundamentum o...