terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2012

Syllabus: Ancient Philosophy, 2nd Semester, FCSH/UNL THE ROOTS OF POWER Mondays, Wednesdays 10-12.

Syllabus: Ancient Philosophy, 2nd Semester, FCSH/UNL 


Castro António Caeiro

Themes in Ancient Philosophy FCSH / UNL, 2nd Semester, Mondays and Wednesdays (10AM-12AM).
Summary: The course aims at identifying the constitutive structures of human lucidity. We will then consider extreme possibilities of being with others. The course is based upon the Annals of Tacitus.
14/02: RES MORTALIUM. fatum, necessitas immutabilis, fors, sors. IV, 20; VI, 20, 37, 51, III, 18, 34, 69.
16/02: INGENIUM. I, 23, 29, 33, 80; II, 28; IV, 46, 60; VI, 41; XIII, 2, 3, 45, 47; XIV, 3, 59; XV, 42, 52, 61, 29.
23/02: ANIMUS: Ι, 25, 56; II, 21, 80, III, 3, 54, 55; IV, 1, 16, 40, 71, V(VI), 7, VI, 6, 38; XIII, 11, XIV, 53, XV, 21, 54, 68.
28/02: SPIRITUS. II, 43, 70, IV, 12; XIII, 16, 21; XV, 64; XVI, 24, 26, 34.
01/03: VITA. I, 3, 9, 17, 53, III, 30, 50, 54, 69; IV, 30, 62; VI, 29, 39, 51, XI, 6; XII, 39, 43, 52; XIII, 43; XIV, 51, 55, 59, 61, XV, 11, 49
06/03: INDOLES. XI, 23 ΧΙΙ, 26, ΧΙΙ, 15 e SPECIES: Ι, 8; II, 19, 41; III, 60; IV, 6; VI, 35; XI, 4, 21, 31; XIII, 24, 27; XIV, 16; XV, 48; XVI, 29.
08/03: MORES. I, 4, 35, 56; III, 55; IV, 39, VI, 12; XIV, 15, 43, XV, 30, XVI, 5.
13/03: ADFECTUS. 4, 42, ΧΙ, 38, ΧΙΙΙ, 16, 21, ΧV, 16, 44
15/03: FACIES Ι, 41, 49, 70; IV, 57, 63, 69, XIV, 10, XV, 48
20/03: CAUSA: I, 5, 7, 13, 14, 49, 53, 74; II, 34, 65, III, 12, 38, 53; IV, 1, 11, 15, 16, 18, 35, 36, 39, 46, 52, 58, 62; VI, 9, 16, 46, 49, II, 4, 27; XII, 44, 58; XIII, 9, 37; XIV, 32, 50, 57, XV, 2, 7, 14, 15, 68; XVI, 16
22/03: AMBITIO: I, 67, II, 38, III, 12, 14, 26, 34, 63, 69, IV, 20, 37, 55, 62, 64, VI, 46, XII, 24; XIV, 18, 22, XV, 15, 21; XVI, 23, XVI, 17.
27/03: GLORIA and FAMA: I, 59, II, 13, 26, 44, IV, 44, 50, XII, 11, XV, 6, 16, 30, 63. Fama: passim.
29/03: CUPIDO. I, 3, 10, 68, 75; II, 54, III, 44, IV, 68; V, 1; VI, 32; XII, 28, 56; XIV, 2; XV, 33, 36, 49; XI, 1, 26.
03/04: AVARITIA: I, 2, 44; III, 34; IV, 6,19;  72; II, 15; XII, 39, 45; XIII, 1, 18, 32, 48; XIV, 32; 56; XV, 20, 21; XVI, 32.
05/04: INVIDIA: I, 14, 41, 44, 80; II, 38, 56, 71; III, 15, 16, 17, 53, 75, IV, 60, VI, 5, 29, 43; II, 34, XII, 67, 69, XIII, 4, 6, 15, 42, XIV, 18; XV, 19, 64; XVI, 7, 18.
10/04: FLAGITIUM: I, 27; II, 48, III, 23, 36; 50, 60; IV, 66; VI, 6, 7; XI, 25, 34, 64; XIII, 33, XIV, 11, 15, 51; XV, 44, XVI, 10, 19, 21
12/04: POTENTIA: I, 1, 8; II, 34, 60; III, 24, 30, 66; IV, 1, 7, 21, 35, 43; VI, 5, 8, 45; XI, 5, 28; XII, 3, 54; XIII, 4, 12;  XIV, 39, XV, 54; XVI, 17
17/04: SAEVITIUM: I, 44, II, 11, III, 40; Iv, 35, VI, 6, 19, 25; 51; XII, 10; XIV, 48; 64, XVI, 29; 32.
19/04: CRUDELITAS. I, 44, V (VI), 6; XV, 21; XVI, 18.
24/04: LIBIDO,I, 53, 72; II, 85; III, 26; IV, 1, 35, 46; VI, 6, 16, 42; XII, 20, 22; XII, 44; XIII, 12,13
26/04: LUXUS and LUXURIA,I, 53, 72; II, 85; III, 26; IV, 1, 35, 46; VI, 6, 16, 42; XII, 20, 22; XII, 44; XIII, 12,13
01/05: LASCIVIA: I, 53, 72; II, 85; III, 26; IV, 1, 35, 46; VI, 6, 16, 42; XII, 20, 22; XII, 44; XIII, 12,13.
10/05: Agripina, the Younger: IV 53, 75; XI, 12, XII (passim).
15/05: Continuation. XIII (passim), XIV, 14, 21.
17/05: Nero. XV, 18-74.
22/05: Nero. XVI, passim.
24/05: Seneca and Epicharis. XV, 48-74.
29/05: Examination.
31/05: Examination.

Bibliographical note: For each session there are obligatory readings.
TACITUS, Annalium, ab Excessu Divi Augusti Libri, Recognouit Breuique adnotatione Critica Instruxit,OTC.
Trad.: The Annals, The Reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, and Nero. A new translation by J. C. Yardley, Oxforf World’s Classics, 2008.

Contemporary Phil. II Sem. Mondays and Wednesdays 16-18. fcsh/unl

Contemporary Phil. II Sem. Mondays and Wednesdays 16-18. fcsh/unl 

On meaning
(philosophical approaches)

2nd Semester, 2011-2012.
António de Castro Caeiro

Contemporary Philosophy (FCSH/UNL): Analytical philosophy and hermeneutical phenomenology: The roots of an impossible debate on meaning, reference, truth and understanding. (Frege, Wittgenstein, Heidegger).

14/02: World.
Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 1.
FREGE, “Funktion und Begrifff” in Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung, Fünf logische Studien, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1961, pp: 1-22.

16/02: Totality.
Wittgenstein, Tractatus, 2.
FREGE, “Über Sinn und Bedeutung” in Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung, Fünf logische Studien, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1961, pp. 23-46.

23/02: Configuration.
LW, Tractatus,   2.11-3.03
FREGE, “Über Begrifff und Gegenstand” in Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung, Fünf logische Studien, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1961, 47-60.

28/02: Truth.
LW, Tractatus: 3.04-4.121
FREGE, “Was ist eine Funktion” in Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung, Fünf logische Studien, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1961, pp. 61-69.

Begriffsschrift und andere Aufsätze, Zweite Auflage, mit E. Husserls und H. Scholz Anmerkungen, hrg., von Ignacio Angelelli, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Zürich, New York, 2007, §§2, 3, 8, 9.

01/03: Anticipation.
LW, Tractatus: 4.12-5.

06/03: Operation.
LW, Tractatus: 5.-5.552

08/03: The world without me.
LW, Tractatus: 5.552-7.

13/03: Meaning.
LW, PH, 39, 47, 60, 71, 352, 380, 426, 449, 504, pp. 500-501

15/03: Meaning II.
LW, PH, 40, 47, 50, 138, 157, 227, 246, 253, 257, 366, 398, 453, 499.

20/03: Preposition.
LW, PH, 20, 39-40, 44, 58, 79, 98-99, 117.

22/03: Meaningless.
LW, PH, 39-40, 79, 119, 134, 246, 252, 282, 448, 464, 512, 524, 282.

27/03: Meaningless II.
LW, PH, 71, 157, 247, 358, 361, 408, 500.

29/03: Situations.
LW, PH, 49, 166, 171, 216, 337, 417, 448, 581, 591-592, 645, 662.

03/04: World.
Heidegger, SZ, §§12-15.

05/04: Totality.
Heidegger, SZ, §48.

10/04: Disposition.
Heidegger, SZ, §29.

12/04: Antecipation.
Heidegger, SZ, §64.

17/04: Operation.
Heidegger, SZ, §40.

19/04: The world without me.
Heidegger, SZ, §40-41.

24/04: Situational meaning.
Heidegger, SZ, §3.

26/04: Temporal meaning.
Heidegger, SZ, §69.

01/05: The meaning of everyday life.
Heidegger, SZ, §70.

10/05: Hermeneutical situation I.
Heidegger, Vol, 56/57.

15/05: Hermeneutical situation II.
Heidegger, Vol. 61

17/05: Hermeneutical situation III.
Heidegger, vol. 63.

22/05: Analytical philosophy vs. hermeneutics.

24/05: Hermeneutical perspective on analytical Philosophy.

29/05: Preparation for the examination.
31/05: Examination.

Bibliographical Note: For every session there are obligatory readings.

Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung, Fünf logische Studien, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2008.
Sein und Zeit, 11ªed, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 1967.

“Tractatus lógico-philosophicus” in Werkausgabe, Band1, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1984, pp. 7-86.
“Philosophische Unteruschungen” in Werkausgabe, Band1, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 225-580.


3ª sessão. Handout. 19 de Feveiro, 2019 Sen. Ep. 58. 6.  Quomodo dicetur ο ὐ σία res necessaria , natura continens fundamentum o...